2012年4月21日 星期六

末日降臨 ? 腦殘唱片公司逃命去 ?

在台灣本地網路書店注意到這位芳齡24歲的南韓鋼琴新秀林賢貞(Hyun-jung Lim),號稱將成為百年老店EMI唱片公司繼許納貝爾、巴倫波因和柯瓦契維奇等大師之後,第四位灌錄貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲全集的鋼琴家(EMI未完成的貝多芬全集計劃則包括所羅門、季雪金等人)。這樣的頭銜有點唬人...



問題是,計畫永遠趕不上變化,日本唱片購物網站已經提前預告全套八CDs錄音將在五月中旬發行,價格則是第一套雙CDs的2倍而已,因此,其他三套雙CDs看來是不打算繼續發行了!難道是因為賣得不好,所以就匆匆提前把包嗎?個人推測,這樣的可能性應該不高才對,因為,市場情況低迷也不是一天兩天的事了,感覺上,應該跟母公司併購交易關聯性較高? 在唱片公司本身都已經朝不夕保的情況下,乾脆來個賤價打包求售。


筆者跟很多Youtube留言一樣深有同感,太快了...Too Fast...,跟王羽佳以炫技飆速而闖出名號恐怕也脫不了干係。想當年,郎朗不也一樣...

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BudgetClassicalCDsFan 提到...

林賢貞5月17日美國初登場於曼哈頓Le Poisson Rouge音樂廳,20日紐約時報樂評刊出樂評如下~

Digging Deeply Into Beethoven in Head and Heart


Recording the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas is an unusual way for a young artist to make a debut on a major record label, but EMI Classics is taking a chance with the distinctive 24-year-old Korean H J Lim. Ms. Lim, who performed the complete cycle in Paris over eight consecutive days in 2010, offered two sonatas — No. 29 in B flat (Op. 106, “Hammerklavier”) and No. 30 in E (Op. 109) — in her American debut on Thursday evening, for a small audience at Le Poisson Rouge.

An idiosyncratic player with plenty of original ideas and the technique to carry them out, Ms. Lim has devoted considerable time to studying not only the works themselves but also Beethoven biographies and letters and other historical materials. For her EMI recording (to be released exclusively on iTunes), she has written her own extensive notes, grouping the sonatas into eight unconventional headings like “Aspects of an Inflexible Personality” (Op. 2, Nos. 1, 2 and 3) and “Extremes in Collision” (Op. 10, Nos. 1, 2 and 3).

During a postconcert discussion with the composer Daniel Felsenfeld, Ms. Lim — an engaging speaker whose French-accented English reflects her years in France, where she moved without her family at 12 to study — spoke about her aim of attaining the right balance between composer and interpreter. “Mutual understanding and empathy,” she added, are essential when performing these sonatas.

Ms. Lim has spoken of Beethoven’s “craziness,” and she emphasized the unsettled elements of the sonatas here, like the intense rolling chords interspersed with the gentle melody of the opening of Opus 109 and the wild fugue of the “Hammerklavier.”

For Ms. Lim, Opus 109, initially dedicated to Antonie Brentano, thought by some to be Beethoven’s Immortal Beloved, reflects the “ideal, spiritual love” sought by Beethoven and Goethe. In her notes she includes the sonata under the heading “Eternal Feminine,” the phrase coined by Goethe in “Faust.”

A physically exuberant player, Ms. Lim tossed back her long, untied hair during more tumultuous moments and played with expressive commitment and colorful nuance throughout both sonatas. The overall arc and momentum sometimes felt distorted, but Ms. Lim’s intellectual analysis and emotional engagement resulted in fresh, vigorous interpretations.

Unknown 提到...

大大 想請教一下 你都上什麼站去買國外的古典音樂全集的,希望能指點一、二 謝謝

Unknown 提到...

希望能寄一些資訊到這個郵件 謝謝