2010年1月1日 星期五

Budget Operas' Pick -- Muti史卡拉版《茶花女》(Sony)


An exciting and eloquent reading on all sides, this version must now be rated with the established frontrunners—but, as with some of those, most notably any of Callas's versions and Muti's previous recording with Scotto, it is not for the fainthearted, or for those who like their Violettas to have full, equally, produced voices—they should look to Sutherland (Decca, 1/84) or, of more recent vintage, Studer (DG, 1/93). Fabriccini is evidently not an Act 1 Violetta. She has problems with the Brindisi and to an extent with "Un di felice". One is just about to write her off as technically too flawed, when in "Ah, fors'e lui" she suddenly alerts the mind and senses to her quality with her inflexions of the single word "palpito' , and in the second verse (we have here an utterly complete and accurate La traviata) she again and again phrases with distinction or colours words significantly— listen to the infinite tenderness of "0 amore". So, after all, this is a Violetta, even without assured coloratura and with problems at the passagio, who is going to hold our attention and move us.

Once confronted by father Germont in the Second Act she makes us aware that we are in the presence of a notable and individual artist, with a tear in the voice and what the Italians term morbidezza. My notes of praise hereabouts are copious. The urgency of "pin non esiste" as if this Violetta is aware that a blow is about to hit her, the weight of sorrow on "L'uomo giovane", these and so much else bespeak not only complete identification with Violetta's predicament but also vocal acumen of an exceptional kind, often based on the seemingly lost art of portamento. Because this is a live performance we are conscious that the singer's acting is part of the secret of the reading's success, that and the obvious youth of a soprano who is not yet a preening prima donna. Maybe the power and security are not there for "Amami, Alfredo", yet the passion is very much present, as is the Italianate rightness of sound and accent.

英國《Gramophone Classical Good CD Guide》推薦
此版本現列入低價位Sony歌劇殿堂(Opera House)系列。
