2008年4月16日 星期三

波蘭指揮家安東尼魏特(Antoni Wit)CD銷售突破300萬張




1.在Naxos的長期經營下,安東尼魏特已經灌錄超過140張CD,超越等前輩Witold Rowicki等人榮登波蘭指揮家銷售成績一哥。


3.最早前,魏特曾經幫波蘭前國營唱片公司Polskie Nagrania錄音,1989 東歐民主化浪潮風起雲湧,恰逢Naxos積極在東歐地區尋找價廉物美的錄音樂團,魏特當時擔任波蘭西南工業大城Katowice市的波蘭國家廣播交響管絃樂團(The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra of Katowice,簡稱PNRSO)藝術總監一職,就陸續幫Naxos公司錄下Tchaikovsky、Rachmaninov、Prokofiev、Mahler等人交響作品基本曲目,在此同時,魏特也沒有忘記替祖國音樂家發聲,一路從Katowice挺進首都波蘭,2002年就任波蘭首屈一指的華沙愛樂交響樂團音樂總監。

Warsaw Philharmonic and the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR) conducted by Antoni Wit - Record sales reach three million

Sales reports published by NAXOS, the leader of the world's classical music market, inform that the company has already sold nearly 3 million CDs recorded by Antoni Wit with NOSPR and Warsaw Philharmonic. More than one fifth of this number are recordings of works by the greatest Polish contemporary composers: H.M. Górecki, W. Kilar, W. Lutosławski.

The NAXOS catalogues cover a wide spectrum of Polish music on 28 CDs. Thanks to these releases, the majority of symphonic and large-scale vocal-instrumental works by these composers has been made available worldwide, as NAXOS is renowned for excellent, global distribution of its products. Many of NAXOS's projects have not been sold in large numbers of copies and have not brought sufficient profit to offset the initial outlay. In spite of this, NAXOS has upheld the decision to release Polish music by the above listed composers in collector sets, and in now has in its catalogue 10 CDs with music by Lutosławski and 8 CDs with works by Penderecki. A complete edition of works by Szymanowski and Karłowicz, recorded with the Warsaw Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, is forthcoming. The recording sessions were completed in January 2008, and the first disc containing both Violin Concertos (with Ilya Kaler as soloist) as well as the Nocturne and Tarantella by Szymanowski has already been released.

Eighty records sold in more than 2,200,000 copies feature music by European composers, as well as film music. The top selling records contain compositions by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Mahler and Ravel. In the previous year, the albums which enjoyed the greatest popularity were those with recordings of Symphony No. 8 by Gustav Mahler (with the Warsaw Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and Choir) and The Alpine Symphony by Richard Strauss (with Staatskapelle Weimar), which were highly acclaimed by music critics worldwide.

Antoni Wit has also recorded for such record labels as EMI-HMV, CBS, Decca, NVS Arts, Pony Canyon, Polskie Nagrania, altogether - more than 140 titles. The total sales figures for CDs which feature maestro Wit as conductor are the highest among the Polish conductors and place him on a par with the greatest European artists.

